AUNTIES, COUSINS, AND ALL THE FAMILY STOPPING IN TO STAY HI AT THE BRIDAL COTTAGE?! Let us give you some insight into what those visits really mean and how they impact your Wedding Day!

WHY YOU SHOULD KEEP your bridal and groom’s SUITEs — VIP only

Shiraz Garden Bridal Cottage - Suarez Creative

Shiraz Garden Bridal Cottage - Suarez Creative


  • Photographers have it hard enough! Trying to get the photos you want (and requested), while getting around lots of non-wedding party members is hard. Really — a few extra bodies is hard to account for and maneuver indoors.

  • You will likely be LATE, if you are trying to move along "visiting" family members the ceremony almost always starts late. “Thanks, Aunt Lucy, but we need to get going… can you head to the ceremony now so we can start on time?!”

  • Getting ready takes longer! Why? Bridesmaids are distracted and or can't get dressed as they wait to change. Not everyone feels as comfortable getting ready in front of your family as you do! Brides, Grooms, and MOBs all are easily distracted on wedding day, and those few minutes here and there add up very quickly!

  • Each time your Shiraz Managers on Duty see an overly packed bridal cottage full of non-wedding party members, we know our jobs just got 10x harder. Trying to balance being understanding and helping things stay on schedule is already a fine line all wedding professionals walk! But the most intense time on the wedding day — for every wedding — is the three hours before the ceremony. And that’s when family are also most likely to show up early and try to get access to the couple!

  • The best-case scenario we’ve seen -- 20 minutes late to the ceremony.. recoverable!

  • The worst-case scenario -- almost an hour late to the ceremony with very grumpy guests!!!

Late on Wedding Day Means:

You are taking away valuable time with our new spouse

when you let everyone else join you in the cottage!

Overall, your wedding day is going to go by so fast! Each time you allow someone into your intimate space and time (outside of reception) you are taking away priceless moments with your new spouse, immediate family, and wedding party. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries.

Enjoy your day staring with coffee on the bridal cottage porch!

Enjoy your day staring with coffee on the bridal cottage porch!

Naseem Khonsari