Friday Weddings - Long Weekends to Celebrate

Shiraz Garden has a sweet spot for Friday Weddings! Partly because we're surrounded by so many fun activities here between the Texas Hill Country and the Lost Pines Forest but also because they have a bit of a more laid-back, joy-focused feel!

Friday wedding guests get to take a 3-day weekend!

When you and or your guests are coming from out of town (ATX airport 20 minutes away), everyone has a full Saturday/Sunday to explore! Find the best small-town shops, the Colorado River full of activities, all the parks, and amazing BnBs in the area to explore post-wedding. We've had out-of-state couples plan a whole weekend of activists and joined in with their guests -- so much and a unique experience.

Lauren Apel Photography

Lauren Apel Photography


Sure, Friday weddings can be a little harder for the guests to take off work, but besides that one con - there are major perks for the Bride and Groom! 


  • Venue discounts Shiraz Garden, and most venues, are discounted on Fridays as staffing costs can be lower.

  • More Venue Options Saturdays book up first, so being flexible about a Friday or Sunday gives you more options.

  • Longer Weekend for Family When your wedding is on a Friday that means your guests can stay in the area for another night and enjoy the weekend. They aren’t rushing home because work begins bright and early the next day. This is especially important for all of the out of town family members! All our amazing amenities in Bastrop County make us perfect for this, and have lots of happy Shiraz Garden couples who would say the same.

  • More Time to Celebrate That longer weekend also means couples have more time to celebrate with their guests. The wedding goes by so fast, having an get-together on the River, brunch downtown, or other group activities (optional) for guests to celebrate with you on Saturday is a highlight for Friday weddings!

  • Flights The Bride and Groom can take Saturday to relax instead of hopping on their flight the next morning at 5am -- I wish I had experienced that luxury. This is especially true for couples planning on epic honeymoons with international flights. An unrushed departure and time to unwind before heading out on a two-week adventure is priceless (I know from experience). And flights may be more affordable with the greater flexibility.

  • Football Yep, during the Fall Saturdays can be challenging for guests who might be glued to their phone during your ceremony watching the game or trying to decide between tickets and the wedding. We've seen couples hold Saturday tailgate brunches after their Friday wedding, a cool wait to incorporate that aspect if important to you and your guests. All this applies to Fall hunting too ;)

  • Guests still have a weekend This is especially true if the wedding is local for most guests. If the ceremony is at 6pm, guests could take a half day of work, attend the wedding and still have Saturday and Sunday to relax and enjoy the weekend!

  • More Vendor Options If you are planning a wedding in 8 months or less, this will be helpful to you. Friday weddings allow couples to have more options with their vendor selection! And since vendors many have non-Saturday discounts you can get a more highly south-after photographer, DJ, cake maker etc. than you might be able to afford on a Saturday.

  • Lower Guest Counts You may have lower guests counts for a Friday wedding compared to a Saturday. This can be interpreted as a benefit, making sure those there are the special people in your life so you can be intentional and focus on what the day means rather than all the extras. That also means your budget stretches farther with lower catering counts!

Lauren Apel Photography
Naseem Khonsari